
Feb 13, 20202 min

Face Contouring with Radiofrequency

The Agnes Radiofrequency Method

Finally we have a tool that can sculpt and reduce volume when face contouring without surgery, and that can treat a wide range of skin issues in the process.

AGNES Radiofrequency (RF) Microneedling is here and let me tell you it is an amazing tool for cosmetic dermatology treatments. The AGNES is used to precisely reduce fat, tighten the skin and even treats acne and enlarged pores.

Agnes RF Microneedling Benefits

The AGNES is a new approach to facial contouring without surgery, and uses a precision single/triple needle system that delivers energy to the skin or fat tissue to produce heat. This focused heat reduces unwanted fat and contracts the skin. The targeted energy treats the skin regardless of skin color type, and patients will see improvement in bags under the eyes, tightening up the skin overall working to reduce the appearance of fine lines and acne, and best of all, with minimal downtime for recovery. In my practice I’ve had amazing results using the AGNES RF tool in treating marionette lines, fatty tissue around the jowl, neck and chin areas of the face.

How Agnes RF Microneedling Works

Specially designed/shaped microneedles are used to target deep, medium or superficial fat tissue in the face. The heat produced stimulates collagen production and tightens up the skin to varying degrees based on the depth of energy delivered below the surface. The energy causes a localized injury that heals very quickly and keeps the surface intact. Some minimal swelling and bruising is common after treatment but heals quickly, and because of the precise control of the energy delivery, there is a noticeable improvement seen after just one treatment.

The energy can be delivered to enlarged pores to reduce their size, and can also be used to treat acne prone skin by targeting the sebaceous glands that cause acne. The heat shrinks or destroys the sebaceous gland, leading to smaller pores and reduced acne.

Double Chin Fat Treatment

The Agnes RF shows impressive results when it comes to treating a ‘double chin’. A micro-insulated needle radio frequency system effectively reduces fat deposits underneath the chin and tightens the loose skin of the upper neck.

What to Expect

A topical numbing cream is applied before your treatment to increase your comfort, and areas to be treated are marked and then numbed with anesthetic. There is some minimal discomfort during the treatment, and patients will experience some redness afterwards that may persist for 24-48 hours, although I’ve seen patients have very minimal discoloration as soon as three hours after their treatment.

Swelling and minimal bruising of treated areas is normal and to be expected for a few days (up to a week). The level of recovery and downtime really depends on the treatment; the smaller the treatment area, the easier the downtime will be. Improvement is noticeable after just one treatment, but a series of 1-3 treatments may be needed (depending on the amount of volume/contouring needed). Minimal makeup may be applied the following day, but it’s best to avoid putting anything on your skin if you can and let it rest. You can resume your normal makeup routine after about three days.
